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jogg off gypsy
Esta es la mejor canción, cabrones
and what to do with eu, especially germany and france, who forced greek governments to buy weapons from them, and then gave them credit to buy those weapons because they didnt have the money ? .............. or then maybe, how about next time not talking shit, without knowing shit ?
12 x 7 = 84 bro, just pointing that out. Im butting out now.
how many hours are you working per week??how do you know that greeks are lazy....let me remind you but you are own me more than 950 million...i am working 12 hours per day..that means 96 hour a week.....greeks arent thiefs or lazy....greek goverment it is...if all greeks (11 millions) stole your money then i am sure that we would happy.....think for a little and you will see what is going on greece....
The problem with young naive fools talking with half assed knowledge is, you dont know enough shit for others to even start explaining things. You dont know political history. you dont know military history. you dont know the relationship of armament race during cold war to the amount of satellite countries exploitable. you dont know WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED, and you say 'failed socialist economics'. let me tell you one thing - if i start dropping bombs on your country, your system will fail asap.
Being ignorant as shit, is excusable. Insisting on talking strong in stuff while not knowing shit, is inexcusable. 'potholes of now failed socialist economics' eh ? Is that why kennedy administration was so worried about the huge growth rate of ussr in 1960s, and in their internal memos wrote that this would be dangerous as the other countries would start taking them as examples, and started an armament and aggression program to drive ussr investment to military race ? ..
There is no 'economical benefits' of a free market economy. Free market is basically initial chaotic transition period until some groups become bigger than others in the economy and start establishing a wealth hierarchy. Which is what happened with american wild west, which is what happened after roman empire crumbled down - and that was even total 'free' market since you could even have private army of your own - and any other occasion.
Fool. you dont remember what you told before yourself. You have defended the regional assignments the u.s. were mandating to its satellites as 'comparative advantage'. the fairytale of comparative advantage would only take place when you YOURSELF make that choice, and be free to change it at any point in time. There is no 'comparative advantage' when a country which is holding you as a dominion assigns you something and slams you down if you ever intend to stray out of it.
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The 'socialist' model ? do you even know what socialism is ? ... no. but you blabber ........ Again, i am going to remind you : There has been NO case in which a country which tried even SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, leave aside socialism or * gasp * communism, alone. 18 countries invaded russia and used POISON GAS to reinstall aristocracy. america is blockading cuba since 1960 to the extent that they have to use 1950s cars. current president of bolivia was tortured by u.s. TFA agents a decade ago even.
unity100 en respuesta a DestroyerAlexandros (Mostrar el comentario) hace 4 días 6
and E.U.. from greece ;)
moufasfoumas en respuesta a 01zack (Mostrar el comentario) hace 1 semana 6